How to Ensure Plumbing Issues Don't Harm Your Restaurant's Success

There are several steps you can take to help with drainage solutions in your business. You can ensure that routine maintenance occurs, make sure lines are kept clean and have inspections done on a routine basis. Another step you can take is a service called pipeline testing. If you aren't sure what this is, here are a few things you need to know about this type of testing and how it can help your drainage issues.

Four Stages of Testing

Most pipeline testing services will base the testing on four stages of testing. These tests are ball, water, air and smoke. The ball test is to check and ensure that the drain is not clogged and that the grade of the drain is not damaged. Damage to the drain grade could cause items to get caught and clogs to build.

The water pressure test fills the drain area to capacity and pushes the water through the system. This is to simulate heavy rains and check the drainage area for flow. Air pressure testing is primarily used in areas that do experience freezing and helps to discover breaks in the pipes where air can get in. Smoke tests show areas that the pipe may have small holes that would otherwise not be detected.

CCTV Inspection

In addition to the four stages of the pipeline testing, you can also have CCTV inspections performed to find defects or issues. This option uses a CCTV camera that is inserted into your pipelines. The camera travels through and records as it moves. This can show you issues in joints of the pipes as well as in areas of the pipe that other testing may not reach.

The inspection can be done on a routine basis as part of your routine maintenance plan. The largest advantage of this technology is that it will go through the entire sewer line and not just the pipes. It will go into holding tanks that may not be properly tested under other aspects of the pipeline testing system. This allows you to catch a greater number of issues before they become bigger problems.

Data Collection

One of the aspects of any inspection or pipeline testing is the ability to collect various forms of data. The collected pipeline testing data will tell you several things you need to know about your pipelines and drainage issues. The data can show where pressure may be an issue, where flow slows down, and where you may need to make changes.

The data collected is generally done automatically through the CCTV inspections and pressure testing. The data is sent through a computer feed to a database and then analysed through software. The results will give a solid starting point for your contractor to begin working on drainage issues you are experiencing.

Repair and Replacement Services

Once you have had the pipeline testing, CCTV inspection and other testing completed, you can then move forward with repairs and replacements. One of the options may be to replace just certain portions of the pipeline. This is especially true when it comes to rust spots, rough portions or severe clogs that have caused leaks and breaks. There could be cases when this is not enough.

For example, you may have multiple issues that require full pipeline replacement. During these situations, you may find that options like slopes are mentioned to help build up areas and offer more natural drainage flow to your pipelines. This is common with drainage issues that arise outside of businesses from run-off areas and outdoor drains.

These are just a few things you should know about pipeline testing and how it can help your drainage. If this seems like an option that would help you, contact RMC Reservoir Maintenance Contractors. We can give you pricing options, set up your testing appointment and help with services to help your drainage issues.
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